Standard 7
Engage profesionalLY with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
7.1. Meet professional ethics and responsibilities
Understand and apply the key principles described in codes of ethics and conduct for the teaching profession.
I understand that teaching is a highly ethical profession. I must always act in an accountable and ethical manner to fulfil my professional duties and responsibilities. Behaving ethically is expected of teachers on all occasions.
By understanding and applying the fundamental principles described in the SA Code of Ethics for Teaching Profession, I will meet the professional ethics and responsibilities as a proficient teacher. The three principles relate to respect, responsibility and integrity.
An example of this is during Practical Application Tasks, where I take photos of students.
Understand and apply the key principles described in codes of ethics and conduct for the teaching profession.
I understand that teaching is a highly ethical profession. I must always act in an accountable and ethical manner to fulfil my professional duties and responsibilities. Behaving ethically is expected of teachers on all occasions.
By understanding and applying the fundamental principles described in the SA Code of Ethics for Teaching Profession, I will meet the professional ethics and responsibilities as a proficient teacher. The three principles relate to respect, responsibility and integrity.
An example of this is during Practical Application Tasks, where I take photos of students.
- I take photos of students on my phone after asking permission from students.
- After practical, I then upload these to my school OneDrive and delete the photos of the students. This shows respect for my students and exercises my professional responsibility and integrity as a teacher.
7.2. Comply with legislative, administrative and organisational requirements
Understand the relevant legislative, administrative and organisational policies and processes required for teachers according to school stage.
During my time at OLSH College, I have shown and demonstrated ability in my professional organisation through administrative tasks, keeping personal records electronically and online through SEQTA, timely responses to emails, and meeting all deadlines for delegated duties. This includes the teacher's role in collecting data to support NCCD funding. Collaboration is an essential part of my professional responsibility to ensure the best possible results for the student
Furthermore, through building routines into my teaching, I can provide a strong duty of care to my students: ensuring they are safe and respected and I am meeting legislative requirements. This means taking rolls at the start of each lesson, adhering to Protective Practices during my interactions with students and exercising my duty as a Mandated Reporter of Child Abuse and Neglect when required. Having completed my first aid certificate, I feel confident assisting both
students and staff injured, sick or in distress.
As a staff member, I have been able to fulfil all my delegated responsibilities, including attending staff meetings, faculty meetings, yard duties and co-curricular activities. At my current school, I have a Senior Pastoral Care Class, support the after-school Homework Club, support the running of reflection days/retreats, and attend school events/productions/performances. My development as a teacher is a priority, and participation in school-based/external professional development assists this.
Understand the relevant legislative, administrative and organisational policies and processes required for teachers according to school stage.
During my time at OLSH College, I have shown and demonstrated ability in my professional organisation through administrative tasks, keeping personal records electronically and online through SEQTA, timely responses to emails, and meeting all deadlines for delegated duties. This includes the teacher's role in collecting data to support NCCD funding. Collaboration is an essential part of my professional responsibility to ensure the best possible results for the student
Furthermore, through building routines into my teaching, I can provide a strong duty of care to my students: ensuring they are safe and respected and I am meeting legislative requirements. This means taking rolls at the start of each lesson, adhering to Protective Practices during my interactions with students and exercising my duty as a Mandated Reporter of Child Abuse and Neglect when required. Having completed my first aid certificate, I feel confident assisting both
students and staff injured, sick or in distress.
As a staff member, I have been able to fulfil all my delegated responsibilities, including attending staff meetings, faculty meetings, yard duties and co-curricular activities. At my current school, I have a Senior Pastoral Care Class, support the after-school Homework Club, support the running of reflection days/retreats, and attend school events/productions/performances. My development as a teacher is a priority, and participation in school-based/external professional development assists this.
- Certificates for First Aid, Ran etc.
7.3. Engage with the parents/carers
Understand strategies for working effectively, sensitively and confidentially with parents/carers.
Communication with parents and caregivers is essential to ensure that our students are successful in what they do in every aspect of their school life. I communicate with parents and caregivers by copying them into SEQTA Messages and Emails (keeping them aware of what their child is doing), providing student feedback, Parent-Teacher Conversations, and phoning home.
Engagement with the student community further develops rapport and relationships. In 2021, I have empowered students and our community to have a voice by facilitating the Anti-Racism Club, helping our students feel valued and listened to and ensuring they see that they are not alone. This created a safe space and defined an acceptable standard of behaviour within our college community.
Understand strategies for working effectively, sensitively and confidentially with parents/carers.
Communication with parents and caregivers is essential to ensure that our students are successful in what they do in every aspect of their school life. I communicate with parents and caregivers by copying them into SEQTA Messages and Emails (keeping them aware of what their child is doing), providing student feedback, Parent-Teacher Conversations, and phoning home.
Engagement with the student community further develops rapport and relationships. In 2021, I have empowered students and our community to have a voice by facilitating the Anti-Racism Club, helping our students feel valued and listened to and ensuring they see that they are not alone. This created a safe space and defined an acceptable standard of behaviour within our college community.
- Prayer Wall Photos
- Anti Racism Club
- Parent Teacher Interview Records
- Newsletters
7.4. Engage with professional teaching networks and broader communities
Understand the role of external professionals and community representatives in broadening teachers’ professional knowledge and practice.
I have a membership with teaching associations, such as HEIA (Home Economics Institute of Australia), TLN (Teacher Learning Network) and the Independent Education Union. Additionally, I use social media, such as YouTube/Instagram/Facebook, to follow other educators, and update my learning practice upon reflection of their experiences. This also includes discussions to broach my knowledge and practice.
Understand the role of external professionals and community representatives in broadening teachers’ professional knowledge and practice.
I have a membership with teaching associations, such as HEIA (Home Economics Institute of Australia), TLN (Teacher Learning Network) and the Independent Education Union. Additionally, I use social media, such as YouTube/Instagram/Facebook, to follow other educators, and update my learning practice upon reflection of their experiences. This also includes discussions to broach my knowledge and practice.
- N/A